0:01-1:28: Greetings from Secret Comic-Con! Yes, you suckers enjoy your “ComicCon At Home” b.s., Graeme is living it up at the real Comic-Con and it sounds amazing!
1:28-37:44: No, just kidding. There isn’t a secret comic-con just, as Graeme puts it, “truly, truly terrible panels on Youtube.” Fortunately, Graeme of course has watched them, and so can school Jeff—who of course has not—on why they’re…less than great, and what lessons we hope NYCC can take from them. Discussed: NYCC; panel announcements; the legally mandated fond reminiscences of Comic Cons past; the Eisners Awards 2020; the SDCC At Home home page; Marvel’s Storyboards; and “more.”
37:44-54:33: Comics news question: how does Jeff feel about the Walking Dead being re-released in color? Discussed: why the heck did Jeff like The Walking Dead so much? [SPOILERS for the end of the series.] narrative engines; revisiting stories; the joys of careless reading; and more.
54:33-1:03:35: Comics news question #2: What does Jeff think about the announcement of Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw’s Crossover? Discussed: Huh? 1985; Constantine; Battle Scars; “Cheese.”
1:03:35-1:15:43: Jeff has purchased and read Jack Kirby: The Epic Life of the King of Comics by Tom Scioli and he has…thoughts. Approximately twelve minutes of thoughts.
1:15:43-1:45:30: Here’s a curveball for Graeme—does living in Portland, Oregon, in 2020 during the midst or protests and ACAB and so much more affect how he is taking in escapist literature, especially escapist literature of the “punch the person who is wrong” variety? Discussed: The Monkees; The Music Man; hip-hop; Jodorowsky; Portland’s hero/superhero; the unreality of America; the unreality of Chips Ahoy!; can Jeff really come back to superhero comics and what would it take?; Empyre #1 (which Graeme enjoyed!); and more.
1:45:30-1:59:55: Due to a hard stop, we have to start wrapping up but Jeff wanted to talk to Graeme a little bit about Death Metal #2 by Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion, and FCO Plascencia. And, since he’s one of the podcasters on this show, he gets to!
1:59:55-2:02:11: Remember that hard stop? Graeme does! But Jeff does have a quick point to make about Secret Invasion, Brian Michael Bendis, and DC very quickly. (Maybe even…too quickly? Is that even possible for Jeff?)
2:02:11-end: Closing comments! Watch The Doghouse on HBO Max! Look for us on Stitcher! Itunes! Instagram! Twitter together and separately: Graeme and Jeff! Tumblr, and on Patreon where a wonderful group of people make this all possible, including Dominic L. Franco, and Empress Audrey, Queen of the Galaxy, to whom we are especially grateful for her continuing support of this podcast. (Also, don’t forget about Spotify!)
Next week: Skip week! Come back in two weeks for EPISODE THREE HUNDRED. We think it’s going to be a Q&A, so tweet or email us your Qs and we’ll make As out of ourslves answering them!

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