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You are viewing all posts published for the month of November, 2018. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try searching using the form at the right upper corner of the page.
http://theworkingdraft.com/media/podcasts2/BaxterBuildingEp48.mp3 Previously on Baxter Building: Was there ever life before Tom DeFalco and Paul Ryan’s Fantastic Four run? By this point, it’s genuinely hard to remember what this comic used to be like, but I’m…
As you know, Stan Lee passed this week, and it seemed impossible for us to overlook the event, since Stan had such a huge influence on the American comics market.
Stan was a complicated guy with a complicated legacy so maybe it’s not surprising our feelings about his passing—and how people handled his passing—are similarly complicated. So join us if you want for a quick chat about the long life and amazing career of Stan Lee. It’s only about 37 minutes or so?
Oh, and because we mentioned it in our discussion, I should at the very least link to Tegan O’Neil’s piece on Stan over at The Comics Journal. There are, as you probably know, a lot of pieces about Stan out there this week, but if you enjoy our mumblings, you’ll probably appreciate it as well.
[Not actually the bear bathing image Jeff talks about in the episode, but let’s roll with it] http://theworkingdraft.com/media/podcasts2/WaitWhat258.mp3 0:01-15:53: Greetings! After a very long time, Jeff “Japan!” Lester and Graeme “NYCC!” McMillan have returned after…
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