His name is Rio! And he dances on the sand! My name is Jeff! I was not a fan of the meme!
Together, we are here to finish what we started, which is answering the questions of the beautiful benighted souls on Patreon!
First up is Tim Rifenburg:
Hey Guys,
Thanks for doing the question thing again.
- Question 1: Is there any character / company crossover you would like to see and who would write and draw it?
- Question 2: Are you ever sorry you started the FF read through? I enjoy listening to your thoughts but you sometimes seem like you are struggling through the books.
Then there’s Ethan Johnson:
There are two variations, I don’t care which one you answer.
- Marvel buys DC and moves existing Marvel creative teams intact to take over DC properties. Pair creative teams with books. I’ll allow recent iconic teams, because if you don’t put Hickman & Opeña on LSH, you’re crazypants.
- Same scenario, but no DC. Just shuffle existing intactcreative teams onto other properties, like when Byrne & Mantlo swapped Alpha Flight & Hulk!
(Psst! Because Jeff was so proud of his list, he insisted on including it here:)
- Okay. Hickman and Opena on LSH. Sure. But honestly I think a better take would be Gillen & McKelvie?
And, then, uh, in no particular order, other than how I think of ‘em:
- Al Ewing and Barry Kitson on JLA;
- Al Ewing and Elsa Charretier on The Flash;
- Al Ewing and John Cassaday on Forever People;
- Dan Slott turned Spider-Man into Batman; maybe if he wrote Batman, he’d turn him into Spider-Man? No, just kidding: I’d give Dan Slott and Sanford Greene Angel & The Ape. (Maybe Slott could have Batman, Inc?)
- Chip Zdarsky and Leonardo Romero doing Ambush Bug: Year Done;
Ta-Nehisi Coates and Brian Steelfreeze doing Superman (I should probably say Wonder Woman and then they can just lightly rewrite their issues?); - And I guess Mark Waid and Chris Samnee on Action?
- Jason Aaron and Goran Parlov doing Jonah Hex as one title, Batman as the other (I guess I was kidding about Dan Slott?)
- Bendis doing Green Lantern (with Mike Deodato?), Aquaman (or maybe that’s Mike Deodato?), Green Arrow & Black Canary (with Dave Marquez), and Teen Titans (with Mark Bagley)
- Ryan North and Erica Henderson get the coveted The Brave & The Bold treatment
- Greg Pak and Chris Samnee/Stuart Immonen could take Wonder Woman?
- Felipe Smith writing and drawing Vibe;
- G. Willow Wilson and Tradd Moore on Teen Titans;
- Jeff Lemire and Greg Smallwood on The Rose & The Thorn;
- Ryan North (again!) and Gurihuru on Lois Lane;
- Becky Cloonan and Olivier Coipel on Nightwing;
- David Walker and Robbi Rodriguez on Batman and the Outsiders;
- Tom Taylor and Phil Noto on Catwoman;
- Nick Spencer and Jesus Saiz on Freedom Fighters;
- Chris Hastings and Daniel Acuna on Metal Men;
- Mark Waid And Humberto Ramos on Impulse;
- Roxane Gay and Jackson “Butch” Guice on Suicide Squad;
- Jason Aaron and Alex Maleev on John Constantine;
- Matthew Rosenberg and Joe Quinones on Harley Quinn;
- Gerry Dugan and Jim Cheung on Secret Six;
- Jeff Lemire and Mike DelMundo on The Question;
- Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo on Thriller.
Thomas Williams is curious:
The past two years during either SDCC or NYCC, Valiant do a huge sale and I end up buying the entire past year of back issues and binging them. I always find that the comics are just great with solid story, characters and art. However once this sale is over I am back to forgetting these books in my weekly purchases. What can Valiant do to get people like me to remember them throughout the year?
Also Graeme, of VanLente’s Archer and Armstrong and Timewalker which do you prefer?
Evan Cass wants to know:
Are there artists that you used to adore aesthetically that you can’t stand anymore due to those same aesthetics? Two of my favorite artists as a teen were Art Adams & Ron Lim; I loved their work. Now as a 40something their work literally upsets my stomach; it repulses me. I’m curious if you’ve experienced similar with any former favorites, and why you think that might be. Thanks for the show.
Here comes good ol’ Badger Mushroom:
You asked your Patreon patrons (of which I am one) for questions to waffle about. So here’s one: what do you two think of the recent purchase of The Beat by Lion Forge? Any implications for comics journalism?
(I should note that I have great respect for Heidi MacDonald and the staff of The Beat. I just want to hear the experts weigh in. ;) )
Thanks to you both for an entertaining and informative podcast, and thanks to Empress Audrey, Queen of the Galaxy, for bestowing her mercy on us all.
Brendan O’Hare has all the best questions!
For Jeff: Who did you wife/husband up on Stardew Valley?
For Graeme and Jeff: I know Jeff recently parted ways with most of his comic book collection, but are either of you still going through back issue bins to fill in a run? If so, which ones?
And finally, here’s our pal Roger Winston:
I totally missed submitting a question for the Q&A podcast, but I see you are extending it to a second episode. I know you are already full of questions, but here’s mine just in case you need another:
I sold off the bulk of my collection (~22k books) several years ago and stopped reading. But a few years after that, I discovered digital and got back in (mostly thanks to my iPad and Locke & Key). Now I am totally addicted to Comixology (and to a lesser extent, Marvel Unlimited) and spend way too much money there, buying a lot of books, most of which I will probably never read. I think I felt a need to replace my print collection with digital. At least it takes up less space.
Question 1:
Do you ever think there will come a time when we will lose the rights to the comics we have bought digitally? I don’t think I ever read the Comixology terms of condition, out of fear. But I worry about them going out of business or changing their model or dropping publishers or whatever. Although them being owned by Amazon does make me feel more secure. I have downloaded DRM-free whatever I can for backups, but that is limited to some indie publishers (mostly Image in my case) -Marvel & DC don’t allow that. So was I stupid to have sank so much money (most of it during sales, luckily) into something that could potentially go away before I have a chance to enjoy it? Oh, the hazards of being an obsessive collector, even when there’s no physical component.
Question 2:
Do you think DC will ever come out with a DC Unlimited type service? The bulk of the digital comics I have bought are DC. On one hand, I would love this, because then I could stop buying back issues. (I’ve bought very few Marvels since subscribing to MU.) OTOH, I would hate this because it means I spent a lot on things I could then read a lot cheaper. I have heard some suggestions that DC’s new TV streaming service might include a comics unlimited type service as well, which does make a certain amount of sense.
And that’s that! Again, our thanks to all of you for tuning in, and a super big thanks for those of you on Patreon for you generosity!
Join us next week for a Baxter Building! Issues #314-324 of The Fantastic Four!

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