0:00-21:49: Greetings! And then a story about greetings! And then, because we are such professionals, we have an honest to God addendum about our last episode with the news that Jaws, Jaws 2, Jaws 3(-D), and Jaws: The Revenge are all leaving Netflix on March 1st. Quick, call in sick! Us being us, we then return to back to touch on all things we didn’t touch on in our first discussion (and some of the things we did). Things like: after Jaws, what is the second best Jaws movie? Ryan North’s study of the novelization of Back To The Future? And who the hell were some of those movie novelizations written for? And as long as I’m doing all these links, get this. I’m buying one for Graeme right now!
21:49-32:44: And from there, Graeme drops a pretty big spoiler bomb about Kong: Skull Island that blows Jeff’s tiny mind! And then Graeme drops a serious spoiler for The Lego Batman Movie! And then Jeff talks…waffles!
Also discussed: the best Twitter account still not on Twitter, the best Captain Beefheart album, etc.
32:44-37:26: Comic books! We also talk about those! Or, maybe more to the point, we talk about websites that talk about comic books…occasionally.
37:26-49:24: But Jeff is part of the problem certainly, because he read those issues of IDW’s Rom Graeme recommended last episode and all he could think was: man, what a great TV show this would be! Also discussed: those damn Transformers movies, Anthony Hopkins, Shia LaBeouf, the best title for the most recent Indiana Jones movie, and more.
49:24-1:02:30: Graeme has a comic book question for Jeff. Marvel has Generations and the upcoming Make Mine Marvel initiatives. Could they make Jeff jump back on to Marvel’s bandwagon? Discussed: Marvel Unlimited acting up, the first four issues of Civil War II (but not really because there are all these other issues of Civil War II before you even get to the first issue), and then…TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES.
1:02:30-1:10:17: But then we are back, better than ever! So that Jeff can complain some more about Brian Bendis. Lucky you.
1:10:17-1:55:45: And then Graeme talks about the recently released solicits for the first three issues of Secret Empire, the upcoming Marvel event that is now apparently weekly? Also discussed: Marvel’s disappearing act, “the weird Marvel machismo,” the possible fall of the direct market and Jeff’s frustration at retailers not changing things up enough over the last few years, handselling people on Image titles and so on. But then, partway through this narrative, we kind of find ourselves thinking, “well, hmm, what about Image these days? Are they really that safe a bet for a retailer trying to keep his weekly customers happy?” We look at the publication schedules of several Image mainstays many retailers *did* handsell that have gone awry. It’s a potentially important story—is anyone talking about it?
1:55:45-2:00:09: So, yeah, now that it’s been about two hours, we should at least briefly talk about the comics we’ve been reading, don’t you think? Graeme starts by talking about something he’s read that’s excited him more than any comic he’s read recently—the new Nobrow catalog! Just check out the image at the top of the post and just above.
2:00:09-2:03:08: The other comic Graeme wants to talk about the 2000 AD 40th Anniversary Special, featuring a Zombo strip that Graeme says is “everything I wanted.”
2:03:08-2:22:22: And then it’s Jeff’s turn! Jeff speed-talks his way through the comics he’s read so you don’t have to! (Wha?) Also featuring additional additions from Graeme!
2:22:22-end: Closing comments! Look for us on Stitcher! Itunes! Twitter together and separately: Graeme and Jeff! Matt! Tumblr, and on Patreon where a wonderful group of people make this all possible, including the kind crew at American Ninth Art Studios and Empress Audrey, Queen of the Galaxy, to whom we are especially grateful for their continuing support of this podcast.
Next week: Next week is a skip week! And then the week after that is a Baxter Building! Read issues #248-260 of The Fantastic Four and then come listen to us misunderstand them!

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