[whatnauts, my apologies—since this episode ran very close to three hours and since we are in the “Final Five” episodes, I’m going to take the “L” and post the shownotes without additional graphics. It’s just late enough on a Sunday night. I do hope you understand….and that you enjoy the podcast!]
00:00-18:16: Greetings! We start off with an apology for Jeff being more of a windbag than usual (but not in exactly the same way, mind you). It was a warning that needed to be made. I guess it’s a good thing that we’re retiring soon as between the dog dick and the flatulence we’re getting more Chaucerian by the minute! But fortunately we change up topics relatively soon and so you can listen to Graeme tease Jeff mercilessly about his bad luck with headsets, and then a discussion about our storied history, Graeme’s terrible memory, and possible confusion about our start date.
18:16-33:08: Not a lot on the news front: DC announced its Dawn of DC event with a slew of new titles (but ongoing? limited? half & half?) and an “embracing of the light” which sounds, at least to Jeff, a bit euthanasiatic. Plus, a bit of behind the scenes with Graeme about the risks and rewards of embargo’d press releases. Hang around as Jeff almost breaks embargo with news of DCUIU’s upcoming digital release of a bunch of Vertigo titles!
33:08-38:09: Also in the news recently and uncovered by us: some big losses for comics and entertainment with the deaths of Carlos Pacheco, comics legend Kevin O’Neill, and voice actor Kevin Conroy. They’ve been eulogized elsewhere so we don’t even try but do mention how many people they inspired before they passed. And then finally….
38:09-49:11: Time for your Questions and our Answers! First out of the gate with a strong, assured stride it’s Devin King: I really love hearing about the industry stuff. One of my favourite “segments” of the show is when Graeme clearly knows something and we all wait with bated breath to see if he’s allowed to say it. Usually he can’t! Maybe now that the show is ending you can speak to some of it!
Was there ever an interesting piece of news/gossip that either of you couldn’t share at the time but has now become safe to do so? Like – did you hear about a release that was about to be announced that just…never materialized? I’m not looking at gossip in terms of people. Nothing so salacious. But maybe none of this is appropriate to say anyway!
49:11-50:20: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away: Brian McCormick inquires: Before you guys finish can I ask if you are able to recommend any other shows that you listen to about comics? At present I listen to House to Astonish and Mangasplaining but nothing else gives me the weekly hit of industry news that I get from Wait, What.
50:20-57:10: Look out for Stephen Conway: Here’s a question for the Q&A – what is the best comic you have read because of the podcast that you probably wouldn’t have read otherwise, either because one of you recommended it or one the projects? And if I can add a followup, what’s the worst comic you have read because of the podcast?
57:10-1:01:00: Longtime pal of the podcast Adam P. Knave busts out the pro moves : SO FIRST A Q TO A: Which two chars – in both Marvel and DC – would host their universes versions of Wait, What? and why. SMALL CATCH – you must pick each other’s characters in each universe but not tell the other.
1:01:00-1:11:12: Dan White wants to know: Can you talk about the exact moment that you two really clicked as friends – that moment when you realise that someone is fucking ace and that there’s a good chance that you will be in each other’s orbit for a long time?
On a less soppy note, if each of you had to force the other into doing a podcast about something you love and that they hate, what would it be?
1:11:12-1:11:31: Patchen Mortimer puts it all in perspective: I take one week off to catch up on my library audiobooks and you RETIRE on me?!?
1:11:31-1:19:26: This was originally going to be The Revenge of Brian McCormick, but Graeme pointed out that Brian McCormick is above revenge and so it’s The Return of Brian McCormick: Can you share with us your favourite comic book critics/journalists/podcasters? If you had continued to podcast, did you have plans for your next long read-through after Drokk? Can we have a year-end best of list from you guys?
1:19:26-1:31:16: Descending from the fringed firmament of Patreon, it’s Jonathan Sapsed: When Graeme didn’t emphatically say ‘genuinely’ when reviewing something, was he lying? Who is Empress Audrey, Queen of the Galaxy, and what does she really do? Why don’t you just pay some sound monkey to do the editing with the Patreon money and carry on?
1:31:16-1:40:51: God bless Dan Billings, that’s what I say. As for Dan, he says: What aspect of your life do you think would be drastically different if you never got into comics?
What’s the best way for someone to meet their “Graeme” or “Jeff”? THANK YOU!!!!
1:40:51-1:44:26: I joked about this being a Q and A to Z, so here’s Ed C: What was the drama with Matt Fraction? It happened before I started listening.
1:44:26-1:58:43: Twitter lived long enough for Fraidy Cat to ask: Super obvious question but nonetheless I’d love to know what your absolute must-read recommendations are, no matter how mainstream or ubiquitous they may already be?
1:51:31-: Here comes Dasbender to check in: How are you going to spend all your new non-podcasting time?
1:58:43-2:05:17: Here’s a good one from Peter LaVenia: What do you think DC & Marvel could do to improve the general quality of their super†hero comics, if anything, over the long term?
2:05:17-2:12:54: Swinging ’round the old inbox, it’s Thomas Williams: What did you think of Bendis’ run at DC? It feels like he went with big plans and just never had the chance to do them. I have a feeling his plans were diverted by whatever Snyder was given at the time, making it similar to Geoff Johns ending. Announced post-DC work feels like a Kamandi pitch that never happened. A follow-up question given the podcast’s fate, what are your favorite endings or retirements in comics, film or tv?
2:11:12-2:12:54: Patrick Gaffney speaks the mind of the common man:
1) Why?
2) Do you hate me?
3) What were you considering as your follow up to Drokk?!
4) if the answer to number 3 was Legion, again I am going to ask, DO YOU HATE ME!?!
The real #4) Graeme, what happened to your newsletter? I was enjoying it and it stopped.
5) Your podcast will be missed. But I guess I get that 5 bucks a month back in my pocket again. Good luck in all that you guys do! (Okay- not a question- but still heartfelt).
2:12:54-2:20:23: Colleague/seasoned comics duo podcaster Chad Nevett wants to know: Given event season is coming to an end, my particular fondness for them, and Shelfdust just did its countdown of the greatest events of all time, what are your favourite comicbook events and why is the only right answer The Infinity Gauntlet?
2:20:23-2:37:17: Coming at us with the tough one, it’s Eric Rupe: Who would win in a no holds-barred, knock-down, drag-out fight – Jeff or Jeff’s beard? What are the lessons of the MCU, good and bad? Do you think anyone will learn those lessons, besides no? How much longer do you think the MCU can sustain itself – is collapse inevitable or could it keep going as long Disney wants to keep funding it?
What are the respective legacies of Dan Didio and Joe Quesada? Who you think had a bigger impact on comic culture, broadly defined? What is one lesson from manga that Marvel and DC could or should learn?
2:35:19-2:37:17: Paul Jassle is a rapper and he’s here to say /he’s got some questions the Wait, What? way: 1. If, hypothetically obviously, Marvel did a licensed Rockford File series in 1975, what creative team would you put on it?
2. What fictional band, from movies, TV, or comics, do you wish was real and could see live?
2:37:17-2:41:45: Roger Winston wonders: 1) What jobs do the Earth-2 versions of Jeff, Graeme and Chloe have? (Actually, I’m not even sure what job Earth-1 Jeff has, other than “some kind of manager at a law firm”.) 2) If you were James Gunn and given the task of reviving the DCEU, what would your first move be? 3) What would have been the 3rd bonus podcast read-through (after Baxter Building and Drokk)? I’m guessing Legion of Super-Heroes.
2:41:45-2:49:19: Wait, What? is a spooky old haunted house and Patchen Mortimer is its ghost! Three old questions I’d still love an answer to; 1) Whenever people talk about early Image comics, no one ever mentions Brigade. Isn’t that weird? Especially since it was originally a Rob Liefeld creation. And it even came out on a somewhat regular basis! But no one ever references it! What’s up with that? Seriously, when people talk about image, even Pitt gets more mentions. Theories? (2) In many of the early Wait What episodes, Graeme really digs IDW’s Dungeons & Dragons comic. If I wanted to track those down, what runs or years would he recommend? And speaking of which… (3) Did either of you ever read DC’s Advanced Dungeons & Dragons comic at the very end of the ’80s/early ’90s? If so, what did you think? (4) What are your favorite series in genres you *dislike*? What books are so good that they defy your resistance to their genre? Graham liking IDW’s D&D is one example…any others? How about from sci-fi, Western, Gothic horror, Lovecraftian horror, pulp, etc.?
2:49:19-2:50:09: And a sneak peek for next time from good ol’ Chloe Maveal: What 3 comics changed the way we read comics, and in what way?
2:50:09-end: Closing comments! Stitcher! Itunes! Instagram! Twitter together and separately: Graeme (and not a Twitter: Graeme at Popverse!) and Jeff! Also: Tumblr, and on Patreon where a wonderful group of people make this all possible, including Empress Audrey, Queen of the Galaxy, to whom we are especially grateful for her continuing support of this podcast.
NEXT WEEK: Skip week! Thanksgiving in the U.S.! Black Friday sales! Buyer’s Regret Saturday! Swear to Reform Sunday! Digital Monday! Join us the week after…if you dare!

4: https://theworkingdraft.com/media/podcasts5/WaitWhat353.mp3
You asked. I answered.
A final episode unedited and without shownotes would be a-okay with me, gentlemen. Also, I said it on twitter but I’m really going to miss this show. I truly appreciate all the work and time you both have put into this endeavor. It was always something to look forward to, for me. Best wishes for your futures, Jeff & Graeme, it’s been a fun ride.
Fun show, but my question wasn’t asked. So, given Chloe is coming on again, could we have our other patient partner on board next time? I’d like at least a one-line appearance by Edie, asking: ‘So Jeff, what DID you think of Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow?’
You know it makes sense.
And darn, after years of Drok episodes I didn’t listen to, we would have got Legion!
I vote in favor of an unedited final episode. Release the… Lester cut? (Been thinking about Jeff singing Snyder Cut to the tune of the Spider-Man theme. Going to miss you two!)
Thanks for answering! And for everything!
And I am also okay with an unedited last episode without shownotes.
Another vote for Wait, What? Uncut and without notes. Curious to see what the experience is like. Yet another of my insensitivities is to sounds. I have friends who are irritated if they hear neighbours at all, like the sound of their footsteps. Perhaps I am privileged and this is an access issue?