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0:00-15:10: Greetings and a sad update on the state of our Christmas spirit, with little more than mince pies to keep our holiday spirit aloft.  Discover our holiday plans and feel better about your own!
15:10-21:42:  Our best-of lists for the year!  Graeme gets to go first since he’s (a) made a professional list, and (b) actually read comics from 2016 this year!

adamandsteveGraeme’s list:

  1. The Flintstones by Mark Russell and Steve Pugh
  2. Giant Days by John Allison, Whitney Cogar, Max Sarin and Lissa Tremain
  3. Rolling Blackouts by Sarah Glidden
  4. Tom King’s untitled trilogy (Omega Men, Sheriff of Babylon, and The Vision)
  5. Unbeatable Squirrel Girl by Ryan North and Erica Henderson
  6. Doom Patrol by Gerard Way and Nick Derington
  7. Jason Shiga’s Demon
  8. Hot Dog Taste Test, by Lisa Hannawalt
  9. Panther by Brecht Evens
  10. The Wicked and The Divine by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie
  11. We Told You So: Comics As Art by Tom Spurgeon with Michael Dean
  12. The DC line in general (by various)
21:42-1:23:43: Jeff starts out by mentioning the stuff our lists have in common:  The Flintstones, Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, Demon by Jason Shiga, and The Vision…but we talk about Sheriff of Babylon for a bit.  And then Jeff’s list(s):
Most improved digital service:
Digital service in decline:
Crunchyroll manga
Book Jeff’s Most glad he read (even though it’s not for him):
Shadoweyes by Sophie Campbell
Stuff Jeff missed reading the most:
MANGA. Definitely missed the manga but I did enjoy:
High School Debut by Kazune Kawahara
My Love Story!! by Kazune Kawahara and Aruko (though I fell behind)
My Neighbor Seki by Takuma Morishige
secret ending
Jeff’s Best of the year:
  1. Unbeatable Squirrel Girl by Ryan North and Erica Henderson
  2. Batman: Superheavy by Snyder & Capullo
  3. The Vision by King and Gabriel Walta (completed)
  4. The Flintstones by Mark Russell and Steve Pugh
  5. individual issues of Sheriff of Babylon
  6. Southern Bastards by Jason Aaron and Jason Latour
  7. Jason Shiga’s Demo
  8. Spider-Man/Deadpool by Joe Kelly and Ed McGuinnes
  9. Spidey-zine by Hannah Blumenreich
  10. Kill or Be Killed by Brubaker and Phillips
  11. Transformers vs. GI Joe by Tom Scioli and John Barber
  12. The Colonel Corps by Tony Bedard and  Tom Derenick and Trevor Scott (unavailable?)
  13. Super Powers by Tom Scioli (back-up within Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye)
  14. The Fade Out by Brubaker and Phillips
  15. Moon Knight by Jeff Lemire, Greg Smallwood, Wilfredo Torres, Francesco Francavilla, James Stokoe
The re-reads and old never-reads:
  1. Manhunter by Goodwin and Simonson
  2. Elektra Assassin by Miller and Sienkiewicz
  3. Madwoman of the Sacred Heart by Jodorowsky and Moebius
  4. Tales of the Batman by Carmine Infantino
  5. Batman #153:  The Prisoner of Three Worlds by Bill Finger, Sheldon Moldoff and others;
  6. Machine Man by Kirby and Ditko (but really Kirby)
  7. Fury: My War Gone By by Garth Ennis and Goran Parlov
  8. Batman: Ten Nights of the Beast by Starlin and Aparo
  9. Captain America’s Bicentennial Battles by Jack Kirby
  10. By The Numbers vols. 1 and 2 by Laurent Rullier, Stanislas Barthélémy, and Dominique Thomas
The most okay of 2016! (no links, sorry):
  1. Deathstroke by James Priest, Larry Hama and whoever else is in there
  2. Suicide Squad by Rob Williams, Jim Lee, and whoever else is in there
  3. Patience by Dan Clowes
  4. 4 Kids Walk Into a Bank by Taylor Boss and Matthew Rosenberg
  5. Sun Bakery by Corey Lewis
  6. Marvel’s Future Fight video game
  7. DC Rebirth #1by Geoff Johns and various
  8. The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard, Stefano Gaudiano, and Cliff Rathburn
  9. The Fix by Steve Lieber, Nick Spencer, and Ryan Hill
  10. Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye by Jon Rivera, Gerard Way, and Michael Avon Oeming
  11. Chilling Adventures of Sabrina by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Robert Hack
  12. Kill Them All by Kyle Starks
  13. Red Team: Double Tap and Center Mass by Garth Ennis and Craig Cermak
  14. The Unbelievable Gwenpool by Christopher Hastings and Gurihiru
The Books Jeff Most regrets not reading in 2016:
  1. Kaijumax by Zander Cannon
  2. Ultimates by Al Ewing and Travel Foreman
  3. Spider-Woman by Dennis Hopeless and Javier Rodriguez
  4. Superman by Peter Tomasi and Doug Mahnke
  5. Rosalie Lightning by Tom Hart
1:23:43-1:34:45: Graeme recommends 2000 AD, as he is wont to do, and we discuss their 2016, and what they may have for us in 2017, and some of the great old material they’ve recently purchased. (They being 2000 AD and Rebellion, not Jeff & Graeme.)
1:34:45-1:54:46: A quick, spoiler-free discussion of Star Wars: Rogue One, unless what you really care about is, “will Jeff see Rogue One?” In which case:  FULL SPOILERS.  Plus: discussion about how engaged Jeff feels with nerd culture, possible topics for future podcasts, and more.
1:54:46-2:26:35: “Meanwhile, on the Internet, everyone’s like, “2017—the year comics will crash!” Jeff is talking about this story by Todd Allen over at the Beat and the ensuing fallout. We unpack the article’s premises, the feedback, Marvel’s upcoming X-Men relaunch and whether or not it is like DC Rebirthwhat we worry about for the market for 2017, …and what we don’t worry about.
2:26:35-end:  Closing comments! But first:  We make a plan for a January podcast episode!  Look for us on  Stitcher! Itunes! Twitter together and separately: Graeme and Jeff! MattTumblr,  and  on Patreon where a wonderful group of people make this all possible, including the kind crew at American Ninth Art Studios and Empress Audrey, Queen of the Galaxy, to whom we are especially grateful for their continuing support of this podcast.
Next week:  Next week is Christmas! The week after is New Year’s!  But join us after that in 2017 for our twenty-fifth episode of Baxter Building!
Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmail Hey, all.  Jeff here, and I’m trying to carve a bit more free time into my busy schedule by trying this ultra-compact shownotes like all the cool kids use.  Let’s see how they work…

Continuing my efforts to plow through the insane backlog of DC Rebirth books I’ve accumulated. Today: Flash #3-10 (I actually thought I had read through #11 but can’t find it anywhere), written by Joshua Williamson; drawn by Carmine…