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You are viewing all posts published for the month of August, 2015. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try searching using the form at the right upper corner of the page.
If there was ever a time to write about Skull The Slayer, the time is probably now. Yes, that’s right. Forty years after the debut of the character’s short-lived Marvel series? That’s when we need to…
Since my very first post here on Wait, What?, I’ve been holding up the Green Lantern family of books as an example of … maybe not the worst of the DCYou initiative, per se, but certainly…
Chalk it up to professional curiosity, reader masochism or somewhere in between, but this weekend I found myself reading Inhuman #1-11 — which is to say, everything available on Marvel Unlimited — to try and…
From The Dept. of “Act Now”: I can’t tell you how surprised and immensely pleased I am that only two weeks after I sung the praises of Frank Thorne’s Red Sonja comics, Dynamite put them…
I’ve noticed something odd recently: I no longer care about the recency of the comics I’m reading, or reading about — or reviewing, for that matter. Once upon a time, I thought reviews that went up Sunday for…
I’ve been re-reading the “Day of Chaos” run of Judge Dredd over the last couple of days — two trades collecting the entire story are getting U.S. releases in September and October — and just…
http://theworkingdraft.com/media/podcasts/BaxterBuildingEp8.mp3 Previously on Baxter Building: We’ve pretty much worked our way through the truly classic Jack Kirby/Stan Lee run, with Inhumans, Black Panther, Galactus and the Silver Surfer and even Him all making their debuts….
From the Department of Grr: So last week Viz had a digital sale or two. To be more precise, they had two sales at Comixology, one for Shojo Beat titles (which is, more or less,…
Housekeeping! First, make sure you don’t miss new posts from Jeff (on Red Sonja) and Graeme (on autobio comix) below. Second, also don’t miss Graeme’s similarly-themed (but much better-written!) post over at Wired; he and I only overlap on…
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