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You are viewing all posts published for the month of April, 2016. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try searching using the form at the right upper corner of the page.
I’ve written before, I’m sure, about the cognitive dissonance in listening to the Beatles for the first time at any point after, say 1990-something; it’s not just that the work is “old” — although, let’s…
http://theworkingdraft.com/media/podcasts/BaxterBuildingEp16.mp3 Previously on Baxter Building: With #125, Fantastic Four permanently lost both of its creators. Yes, almost two years after Jack Kirby jumped ship, Stan Lee also moved on after proving that he really couldn’t…
I’ve been thinking a lot about Garth Ennis lately, mostly as a result of writing like eleven billion words about him for our Preacher Roundtable. If there was one thing I took away from that roundtable,…
Continuing a re-read of Captain Britain comics, pre-Excalibur, which started back here. If the first run of Captain Britain demonstrated ably that the Mighty Marvel Age of Comics couldn’t really come to grips with the…
http://theworkingdraft.com/media/podcasts/BaxterBuildingEp15point5.mp3 Previously on Baxter Building: Not so fast, dear Whatnauts — due to technical problems, what would be Baxter Building Ep. 16 is delayed until some mysterious, undefined point in the next week or so,…
This is the third and final part of our roundtable discussion about Preacher, the Vertigo comic series that is somehow about to become a TV show! As such, it is a pretty terrible place to…
We started this look back at the original Vertigo Preacher series by remembering how we felt about Preacher wayyyyyy back when it was the new hotness. Our opinions were … mixed, to say the least. That…
Howdy, Whatnauts! Matt here. Given that AMC screened the premiere episode of their new Preacher TV show at SXSW, have released trailers for it, and even set a proper release date (May 22, Preacherheads!), it looks like…
Fun Fact #1: The original Captain Britain comic book series lasted 39 weekly issues. Fun Fact #2: 11 of those issues are taken up with a storyline so long and boring that, at one point,…
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